UL International Society is one of UL's largest and most active societies with members from all over the world. With a large contingent of Study Abroad and Erasmus students, our society aims to integrate students into campus life through various social events, trips and activities such as Come Dine With Me dinners, sports club, book club, assisting local pupils with languages, plus much, much more! Every Friday night is International Party Night (best night of the week!).
However, this society is not just for international students. So whether you have completed your Erasmus/Co-Op abroad, been on/going on a J1, etc, why not get to know some locals? And if you're studying languages it's the best way to get to know native speakers! Plus, if you're someone who'd like to meet new people from all over the world, it's the place for you.
UL International Society - Bringing people together.